Group Partner, Siparex Midcap, Member of the Executive Committee
€550 M
MIDCAP 3 – €170 M
Fonds France Nucléaire – €170 M
Majority or significant minority position
Growth SMEs
from €5 M to €20 M
Capital development, Capital Transmission, Financing of external and organic growth
Siparex Midcap accompanies growth SMEs in order
to transform them into ISEs that are champions in their sector.
Subscribed equally by EDF and the French government and managed by Siparex, Fonds France Nucléaire invests in SMEs and ISEs in the nuclear sector, and accompanies them, in particular, in their organic and/or external growth projects as well as in their capital development, transmission, or share redistribution operations.
The Investment and Development team is the key contact point for institutional and family office subscribers to our funds.