Accueil » Jacky Perrenot

Jacky Perrenot :
French Leader in transport

+€1 Md in turnover in 2022

9000 employees in 2022

120 sites in 2022

Siparex ETI – Majority Operation in 2019



Family-owned group Jacky Perrenot, founded in 1945 and based in Saint-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse (Drôme), is one of the key French players in road freight, mainly for mass food and specialised retailers but also for large industrial companies in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. The Group relies on its recognised quality of service, a significant national network, and one of the largest fleets in Europe.

Operation context:

In 2020, the group had recorded sustained growth of almost 25 % per year for over 10 years, driven by the sectorial consolidation strategy launched by its then-CEO Jacky Perrenot, and significantly accelerated by Philippe Givone, who was Managing Director from 2007 to 2012 and then Group CEO. Over 50 acquisition operations were carried out, allowing Jacky Perrenot Group to strengthen its core business and to branch out into more specialised activities.

The Group also adopted a position as an environmental trailblazer, allowing it to be the pioneer player and market leader in this domain, with a fleet of 350 ecological vehicles, and the Objectif CO2 label.

Our Support.

Siparex ETI has been the Group’s main shareholder since 2020, alongside another financial investor and company management. Above and beyond ensuring the transmission between Jacky Perrenot and Philippe Givone, the operation aimed to support the Group’s development by helping it continue its role as a market consolidator. At the time, it’s turnover was €650 M.

Our support focuses on 3 key axes: external growth strategy, governance structuration, and Group digitalisation.

After the acquisition of Le Calvez Group, which took place at the time of our investment, we supported Jacky Perrenot in the buyout of Mendy in 2020 and VIR in 2021. VIR is a key player in last-kilometre delivery, specialising in heavy, bulky goods. This structuring acquisition allowed Jacky Perrenot to accelerate its development in one of its strategic diversification axes by considerably strengthening its BtoC activity. The Siparex ETI team also supported the Group in its international expansion with the buyouts in 2022 of a company in Luxemburg and a company present in Spain and Portugal.

We also supported Jacky Perrenot Group and its CEO, Philippe Givone, in structuring Group governance. The Siparex ETI team actively participated in recruiting two independent women administrators who now sit on the Supervisory Board alongside the Group shareholders and help develop strategic reflection for the Group’s future.

Finally, with the support of the Operating Team, we also assisted the Group in its digitalisation by participating in the recruitment of a Chief Digital Officer, and then implementing a digitalisation plan aimed, in particular, at strengthening the Group’s cybersecurity.

The Operating Team also assisted the Group HR Director in developing an employer brand in order to implement a recruitment strategy and improve retention.

Since 2020, the Group has significantly accelerated its CSR policy and in 2022, obtained the Ecovadis gold medal. In line with our values, we backed Philippe Givone and his management team in his value-sharing plan with the opening of the Group’s capital to a wider circle of shareholders.

The continued conversion of its fleet of internal combustion vehicles to more ecological vehicles is also a key priority. A holder of the Objectif CO2 Label, in 2022, its “green” fleet included 760 vehicles, compared to 350 in 2020.

In 2022, Jacky Perrenot Group should attain turnover of over €1 Md.

I was looking for an investor with local roots, who knew the business, and with whom we could share a project. Siparex immediately understood our goals, in particular as regards employee shareholding plans. They were capable of very rapidly understanding what we wanted and supporting us quicker in the goals we had set for the Group."
Philippe Givone CEO of Jacky Perrenot

The Team

Jacky Perrenot is a Siparex ETI portfolio company. Meet the team in charge of the investment

Florent LAUZET

Group Partner
Siparex ETI
Member of the Executive Committee


Partner Siparex ETI


Investment Director Siparex ETI


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